Biblioteca Aberta do Ensino Superior da Universidade de Aveiro

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Showing results 261 to 280 of 290
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003The cultural study of music: a critical introductionMartin, Clayton; Trevor, Herbert; Middleton, Richard
2000The diagnostic process and indication for physiotherapy: a prerequisite for treatment and outcome evaluationHendriks, H. J. M.; Oostendorp, R. A. B.; Bernards, A. T. M.; Van Ravensberg, C. D.; Heerkens, Y. F.; Nelson, R. M.
2008The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy on changing eating disorder symptoms and psychopathology of 32 anorexia nervosa patients at hospital discharge and one year follow-upBowers, Wayne A.; Ansher , Lynn S.
2013The effect of the Nintendo Wii Fit on balance control and gross motor function of children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsyJelsma, Jennifer; Pronk, Marieke; Ferguson, Gillian; Jelsma-Smit, Dorothee
2003The fractionation of working memory maps onto different components of intelligenceMackintosh, N. J.; Bennett, E. S.
1999The functions of music in everyday life: redefining the social in music psychologyHargreaves, David J.; North, Adrian C.
2014The global burden of respiratory diseaseFerkol, Thomas; Schraufnagel, Dean
2010The Heart-Brain ConnectionGorman, Christine
2003The historical performance of music: an introductionLawson, Colin James
2007The initial effects of knee joint mobilization on osteoarthritic hyperalgesiaMoss, Penny; Sluka, Kathleen; Wright, Anthony
2010The magnitude of tissue cooling during cryotherapy with varied types of compressionTomchuk, David; Rubley, Mack D.; Holcomb, William R.; Guadagnoli, Mark; Tarno, Jason M.
2002The Pianist’s Talent: a new approach to piano playing based on the principles of F. Matthias Alexander and Raymond ThibergeTaylor, Harold; Alexander, F. Matthias
2002The science and psychology of music performance creative strategies for teaching and learningParncutt, Richard; McPherson, Gary E.
2005The six-minute walk test in healthy children: reliability and validityLi, A. M.; Yin, J.; Yu, C. C. W.; Tsang, T.; So, H. K.; Wong, E.; Chan, D.; Hon, E. K. L.; Sung, R.
2010The value of positive psychology for health psychology: progress and pitfalls in examining the relation of positive phenomena to healthAspinwall, Lisa G.; Tedeschi, Richard G.
2010Tradução e adaptação cultural da Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11) para aplicação em adultos brasileirosMalloy-Diniz, Leandro Fernandes
2004As transições familiares: a perspectiva de crianças e pré-adolescentesRamires, Vera Regina Röhnelt
2002Tratado de fisiologia médicaGuyton, Arthur C.; Hall, John E.
2002Tratado de medicina de reabilitação: princípios e prática-
2017Treatment of a female collegiate rower with costochondritis: a case reportGrindstaff, Terry L.; Beazell, James R.; Saliba, Ethan N.; Ingersoll, Christopher D.
Showing results 261 to 280 of 290
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